
DOG DAYS: Critics say county government is...

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DOG DAYS: Critics say county government is going to the dogs, but this is ridiculous: Supervisor Mike Antonovich held his first adopt-a-pet session before Tuesday’s board meeting. Among the critters up for adoption: two precious kittens--one black, one white. . . . “See,” Antonovich said, holding one in each arm, “They believe in love, not war.” No word on whether the diverse pair have found a home yet.

CASTING CALL: The L.A. City Council has endorsed a plan to give away the kind of publicity only money can buy. They’ve agreed to study Valley Councilman Hal Bernson’s idea to shame “Johns” who frequent prostitutes. The idea? Show their photos on the city’s cable channel. . . . But city attorneys are worried about lawsuits (B4).

MUG SHOT: You’ve seen the photo, maybe hundreds of them over the years: Sheriff Sherman Block clutching a plaque and smiling. . . . Now, we know why. He was following a bit of sage advice from former Supervisor Kenneth Hahn. Block passed it on during a photo op at the dedication of the remodeled Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station this week. “The first advice Kenny ever gave me was always put your hand on the plaque,” Block said. “Then they can’t cut you out of the picture.”


GUNPLAY: Police hurried to the Metrolink tracks in Northridge on Tuesday, expecting to find a guy with a gun. Make that a guy with a “high-powered rifle with cross hairs,” according to the police radio. Turns out the “rifle” was really a pump action BB gun. The gun was legal, but the guy was not. . . . He was arrested on multiple misdemeanor warrants.

RUSH: Wonder what little bro Erik Menendez meant when he testified Tuesday he felt a “rush” after killing his parents (B4)? . . . Case Detective Les Zoeller says he’s already eliminated one definition: “I didn’t take it to mean he was in a hurry.”
