
Holiday Fete Offers Cheer to Poor Kids

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More than 200 children and their parents enjoyed an early Christmas party Friday in the gym at La Habra Boxing Club.

Though the setting was not dazzling, it was a place for families who might not be able to afford holiday celebrations at all to gather in the spirit of the season, said Neighborhood Housing Service officials, who organized the fourth annual event.

“It’s a humble event, but it’s our way of saying that, although you may be poor, you still count,” said Rose Espinoza, a volunteer who operates an after-school tutoring program for indigent children.


Her students were among those invited to Friday’s party, which included a visit from Santa, performances by local dance troupes, and sweets and gifts for everyone.

“This is so fun,” said 9-year-old Myra Duarte as she watched the dancers.

“I can’t believe we’re getting presents. Santa never comes to our house because it’s so small, he can never find it.”

Myra’s home isn’t the only one that Santa will miss this Christmas.

“We found a tree, but we won’t have any presents to put under there for our kids this year,” said Francisca Zermenio, 30.


“With my husband’s small salary, we’ll be lucky to pay the rent and food bills. It’s a sad feeling, but at least the kids are happy today.”

The children received dolls, toy trucks, note pads, T-shirts, pencils and calculators, all donated by local residents, businesses and service clubs.

“There are a lot of underprivileged children in this area,” said Avelina Rosholt of the Neighborhood Housing Service.


“Their parents earn minimum wage. We’re just trying to spread some Christmas cheer, let them know that they aren’t forgotten.”
