
HAT TRICK: L.A. Councilman Hal Bernson played...

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HAT TRICK: L.A. Councilman Hal Bernson played a trick on former colleague Ernani Bernardi the other day at City Hall. “This is your hat,” Bernson told the retired Valley lawmaker, who had returned to attend a City Hall hearing. Bernardi demurred, saying he wouldn’t wear such a head covering--an old fishing hat that had been passed around the chambers. But Bernson persisted with a straight face and Bernardi donned the hat and left City Hall.

TOM TOMS: This just in from the political grapevine: State Sen. Tom Hayden is contemplating a run for mayor of Los Angeles. He’s not pooh-poohing the rumors either. “I want to see how people feel about it,” he tells Times political reporter John Schwada. And what do the pundits say? See B1.

SPACE CADETS: A new episode of “Home Improvement” was taped in Burbank--and outer space. . . . No less than the crew of the space shuttle Columbia did some bits for the sitcom during their recent 16-day mission. But during their “free time” only, said the show’s technical consultant, Brett Gregory. Five astronauts were in Burbank on Friday for the earthly part of the taping. In one bit, actor Tim Allen asks how the crew liked the “Tool Time” tapes he sent them. The response: a shot of them floating around the shuttle because the shows put them to sleep.
