
Mall Wars Are Childish, Wasteful

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In its zeal to capture the mall market for the west county, the city of Ventura wants to commit up to $32 million to the developer. Yet by placing the Buenaventura Mall initiative on the ballot, Ventura voters are clearly telling the City Council that we can’t trust it to act responsibly with our money. Is anyone listening?

The idiotic mall wars going on between Ventura and Oxnard remind me of high school rivalries. All that’s missing are the pep squads and pompoms at City Council meetings. (Gimme a V!)

It doesn’t take too many smarts to see that either The Esplanade mall or Town Center sites in Oxnard are preferable for a regional mall over the Buenaventura Mall site. Access to both Oxnard sites is superior, they are more centrally located and there would not be the disruption to residential neighborhoods that exists with the Buenaventura Mall.


If both cities would benefit from a shared regional mall, what’s the problem?

Ursula R. Britton

