
Walt Disney’s Daughter Says She Is Ashamed of ‘Nixon’ Film

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Leaping into the fray surrounding Oliver Stone’s “Nixon,” the daughter of Walt Disney said she was ashamed that the company her father created is associated with a movie she labeled a “disturbing distortion of history.”

The comments by Diane Disney Miller are contained in a letter to Tricia Nixon Cox and Julie Nixon Eisenhower. It was released Tuesday, a day after the Nixon family publicly registered complaints about the film, which opens nationally today.

Based on what she had read, Miller wrote, Stone has committed a “grave disservice to your family, to the presidency, and to American history.” Noting that their families enjoyed a “special friendship” for many years, Miller pointed out that she, too, had suffered from “malicious attacks” on her late father.


“My father knew the enormous impact movies have on their audiences . . . especially young people,” she wrote. “Once on screen or in print, fantasy has a way of becoming fact.”

Neither Stone nor the Disney Co. had any comment.

