
That’s a Bozo novena:We were skeptical when...

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That’s a Bozo novena:

We were skeptical when Larry Harmon Pictures Corp. of Hollywood sent out a news release saying that some churchgoers in Santa Ana reported seeing an image of Bozo the Clown in a stained-glass window.

But when we phoned the church, Trinity United Presbyterian of Santa Ana, we were assured that the Bozo story was well known.

Not that worshipers are throwing pies or sounding off with noise-makers inside the church to pay tribute to the Orange-wig vision.


“It’s something you keep low-profile,” church volunteer Angie Rossol said with a laugh. “It’s sort of a joke, but if you use your imagination you can see a likeness in the cross in the window.”

Here’s the really heart-warming part. Larry Harmon Pictures, which owns the Bozo trademark, is not contemplating suing the artist who designed the window.

SHOW AND TELL: The Hollywood Independent’s crime blotter recently recounted an incident in which “seven men wearing white T-shirts and black baggy pants surrounded a man riding a bicycle and demanded his bicycle. When he refused, they lifted their shirts and showed their tattoos.”


We suspect that none of the tattoos said, “I Love You, Mom.”

CHRISTMAS ON SKID ROW: The Eldorado Elf is keeping the tradition of Cadillac Santa alive.

For the third year, the Elf arrived in a Cadillac and handed out money--about $12,000 in $10 bills--to the street people at the Midnight Mission. His predecessor, Cadillac Santa, doled out money to the mission’s homeless at Christmastime for a decade before dying in 1992.

Cadillac Santa was, in reality, a Torrance car dealer named Ronald Moran. His trust fund supplies the money for the Elf’s visits.

The Elf prefers anonymity, but mission director Clancy Imislund said that once word spread of his arrival, the denizens of the Skid Row area flock there. “An amazing large number of children came with their parents,” he said.


In fact, Imislund quipped, the money was gone so fast, “I didn’t have time to put on my old clothes and get in line.”

FREEWAY OBSTACLE DU JOUR: Traffic on the Hollywood Freeway suffered a bit of post-breakfast indigestion Friday when a truck spilled a load of cereal boxes on the Hollywood Freeway. One radio traffic reporter warned of overcast skies. She said: “There’s some corn dust in the air.”

QUESTION OF THE DAY: “Do you know what you call someone who is afraid to drive from Woodland Hills to Thousand Oaks?” asks John Mayer of North Hollywood. “Agoura-phobic.”

miscelLAny The skies are getting ugly. LAX is being taunted in a new billboard message from a Long Beach airline, Sterling One. We notice that Sterling One also provided a map that showed LAX north-east of Los Angeles. Perhaps the airline mistook Oxnard’s airport for LAX. Things like that can happen with all the corn dust in the air.
