
Extremist Views Dangerous to Youth

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Re: “Sex Education Sparks an Unlikely Alliance” (Dec. 15).

Lou Sheldon and Claire Connelly will not go down in history as people of honor. Their agenda has done nothing for the betterment of society. If anything, they have set us back with their extremist views.

The need for federal funds for AIDS services in our county is insurmountable. We do not have the high profile of larger metropolitan counties, nor the resources for adequate local fund-raising. However, the epidemic is painfully and forever present.

Education is one of the most important aspects of prevention, and timing is of the utmost importance. Prevention must be taught before adolescents become sexually active, and where better to administer this education but in school?


We can candy-coat our world and make believe that ignorance is bliss. However, in this case what you don’t know will not only hurt you, but also has grave probabilities of hurting others.

Brian Gregory

Newbury Park
