
Whitewater Hearings

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The Republicans have spent in excess of $25 million in taxpayer dollars and over two years investigating President Clinton’s role in what at most was a judgment error and which occurred 10 years before Clinton even ran for the presidency. There has been no “smoking gun.” Nothing which would indicate that this time or money has been wisely spent “searching for the truth.” While Sen. Alfonse D’Amato (R-N.Y.) postures for the cameras and stretches this farce out as long as he can, there are real problems to be solved.

The Republicans forget there is still 50% of the electorate who don’t buy into their vision and think that between their proposed budget and President Clinton’s there lies a compromise position. It’s time to abandon rancorous sideshows such as the Whitewater hearings and work on the problems that affect those of us outside the Beltway. We should not tolerate those perpetuating our country’s polarization.


Palm Desert

Regarding “Committee Demands Whitewater Papers,” Dec. 15: Someone should remind the president that former White House counsel William Kennedy III was working on the taxpayers’ time, and any notes he has are the business of his real clients, the American people.



San Diego

When President Clinton does not want certain information to be released regarding Whitewater, it’s called his right to privacy. Hmm, when President Nixon tried that it was called obstruction of justice.

