
GOPAC and Gingrich

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Your “revelation” (“Major GOPAC Donors Got Special Access, Files Show,” Dec. 17) that for $10,000 you can get “personal attention” from the speaker of the House of Representatives comes as a terrible shock to me. I always thought it cost more than that. As a motion picture industry representative during the early ‘80s, I found myself in Washington frequently. I saw precisely how our government is operated. For hard cash it is possible to purchase any favor as long as a competing interest will not pay more.

Do you not have a Washington bureau? Do you believe that we get bowling-ball hard “fresh” poultry through the application of common sense or through greasing palms?



Re “Democratic Vendetta: Death by Nitpicking” by Cal Thomas, Commentary, Dec. 12: As a lifelong Republican I am angered and dismayed by the conduct of Gingrich and his apologist Thomas. Thomas calls the speaker’s violation of campaign laws and influence-peddling “nitpicking” and accuses Gingrich’s opponents of “character assassination.” I would submit that Gingrich has no character left to be assassinated.


Character is when you do the right thing even when nobody is watching. The evidence shows that Gingrich has sold his influence to the highest bidder. Will Rogers used to say that we have the best Congress money can buy. Watching Newt and his GOPAC operate, I’m beginning to understand what Rogers meant.


La Mirada
