
SIDELINES : If Looking for the Curse of the Matadors, Try Cassidy’s Office

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It’s been another difficult year for the Cal State Northridge men’s basketball team--with injuries and grade problems already taking out several of the Matadors’ best players as they have limped through a 2-7 season.

But men’s volleyball Coach John Price, whose office is next to that of basketball Coach Pete Cassidy, has an explanation for the misfortune that seems to always surround Northridge basketball.

“I think that office is cursed,” he joked. “It must be built on an Indian burial ground or something. I think I’d rather have a tent outside than move into that office. Too many bad things have happened to them for it to just be bad luck.”



Suited to play: As expected, Bell-Jeff High freshmen Marcus Cousins and sophomore Jason Michener showed up for the Guards’ first-round game of their own basketball tournament against Eagle Rock on Dec. 20.

Unexpectedly, they suited up for the game.

Cousins and Michener, who play for the Bell-Jeff junior varsity, were scheduled to work the concession stand for the tournament. But because of holiday vacations, injury and illnesses, only six healthy varsity regulars showed up for the game.

Coach Eli Essa figured he needed at least eight to play, so he grabbed the two youngsters away from their planned duties.


Neither player scored and Bell-Jeff lost the game, 66-63.

“It was weird,” Essa said. “Twenty minutes before the game they’re selling hot dogs, then they’re in uniform.”


Rock bottom: As though things weren’t bad enough at Burbank High, it now appears the Bulldog football team must forfeit its only victory of the 1995 season.

Burbank Athletic Director Frank Kallem said the team’s record probably will be changed from 1-9 to 0-9 because of alleged recruiting violations involving former Coach John Hazelton, school board President Joe Hooven and others.


Kallem said the Bulldogs probably won’t have to absorb another loss because the victory was achieved by forfeit against Crescenta Valley, which had used an ineligible player.

“Only in Burbank,” school board member Mike McDonald said.

Meanwhile, a committee consisting of McDonald and fellow school board member Denise Wilcox is investigating the allegations of illegal recruiting and an alleged sexual encounter between a 50-year-old fund-raiser, Salle Dumm, and a 17-year-old Burbank football player. Hooven, who denies knowledge or involvement in either case, has refused to testify in the investigation.


Things to Do

The Hart High boys’ soccer tournament, featuring 14 local teams, concludes today. The tournament championship match will be played at 2:30 p.m., the third-place match at 12:30 p.m. and the consolation championship at 10:30 a.m.


Contributing: Rob Fernas, Jeff Fletcher, Tris Wykes, Peter Yoon.
