
New Sewer Service Pact Is Agreed On

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The city of Port Hueneme and the Channel Islands Beach Community Services District have completed negotiations on a new 30-year service contract, in which the city will provide sewer maintenance and capital improvements to the beach communities.

The City Council is scheduled to approve the agreement at its Wednesday meeting. Under the new plan, authorities will be able to periodically reassess costs and ensure that each agency pays its proportional share for maintenance. The previous 30-year agreement expires this month. The district--which encompasses Hollywood Beach, Hollywood-by-the-Sea and Silver Strand--empties its sewer into the city’s system, and the waste water is then pumped to Oxnard’s treatment plant.

Both the city and district are in the final stages of a capital improvement program to upgrade and replace sewer piping and pumping stations. The city is spending $1.6 million and the district is spending $800,000 in the modernization effort.
