
Defending the Weak

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I was struck by Alexander Lebed’s profound statement, “It is a colossal task to build up a system of laws that will defend the weak” (“He’s No Democrat,” Commentary, Dec. 15). We in the United States certainly know firsthand just how difficult that task is. How sad, then, remembering that we fought a horrendous Civil War to “defend the weak,” to find much of what we have achieved over the centuries under attack once again.

In the name of reform or of a balanced budget or an ideological stance that insists that the union must be weakened, some would cut back these gains--would defend only the interests of the already powerful.

If the moral fiber of a nation can be assessed by a measure of its determination to “defend the weak,” then I think we must strive to regain our moral leadership in the world by doing it here--and supporting others who try to do it as well.



