
Sharp ‘Tartuffe’ Cuts a Fine Figure

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In his staging of “Tartuffe,” Art Manke achieves the almost perfect fusion of wit and philosophic intent that Moliere must have intended when he first penned his boisterous, purposeful classic.

Richard Wilbur’s translation is definitive, and Manke falls from grace only when he peppers his otherwise sophisticated production with puerile sexual gestures that render the prevalent savoir-faire occasionally unsavory. His uniformly seasoned cast, however, serves the satire up scathing hot.

As the hypocrite, Tartuffe, Preston Maybank is all hooded eyes and sinuous angularity, a towering exclamation point of venality. Jenna Cole’s elegant Elmire unaffectedly balances worldliness and virtue. Perfectly cast as the benighted Orgon, Mitchell Edmonds is as endearing as he is bumbling.


Angela Balogh Calin’s sumptuous costumes, Thomas Buderwitz’s simple yet handsome set and Paula J. Dinkel’s versatile lighting round out this production, which delivers a timely reminder in this age of unparalleled hypocrisy to examine the motives of those aspirants, particularly political, who seem too humbly sanctimonious to be true.

A reprise of an acclaimed 1992 production at A Noise Within, but with some new actors, the show will run not only at A Noise Within’s Glendale facility but also in Rolling Hills Estates, Santa Barbara and Lancaster.

* “Tartuffe,” Norris Theatre, 27570 Crossfield Drive, Rolling Hills Estates: tonight-Saturday, 8 p.m. (310) 544-0403. A Noise Within, 234 S. Brand Blvd., Glendale: this Sunday, Jan. 21 and Feb. 4, 2 and 7 p.m.; Jan. 19, 24-26, 31, Feb. 1-2, 8 p.m.; Jan. 20 and 27, Feb. 3, 2 and 8 p.m. (818) 546-1924. UC Santa Barbara, Campbell Hall: Thursday, 8 p.m. (805) 893-3535. Lancaster Performing Arts Center, 750 W. Lancaster Blvd.: Jan. 28, 2 p.m. $18-$22. (805) 723-5950. Running time: 2 hours, 10 minutes.
