
Land Use Panel, Council to Meet

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The Oxnard City Council has scheduled a joint meeting with the Land Use Advisors on Tuesday to discuss city development goals and the new panel’s performance.

A group of residents launched a failed petition drive to reinstate the Planning Commission after it was replaced by a hearing officer and the Land Use Advisors panel last year. The residents claim the public has less input in the city’s planning process because of the new arrangement.

During Tuesday’s City Council meeting, city officials are set to discuss ways to increase opportunities for the public to become involved in the planning process. Officials are also expected to cover ways to improve the feedback the panel gives developers.


“It will be an opportunity for the council and the Land Use Advisors to see how things are going,” said Matthew Winegar, a city planning official.

Officials will also discuss Oxnard’s “Vision for a More Livable City,” a document that establishes development guidelines.

The document makes dozens of recommendations, such as ensuring that an elementary school and child-care center are located within walking distance for every child. It also calls for preserving greenbelt areas and enhancing Oxnard’s downtown area.


“It’s a long-term proposal,” Winegar said. “Basically, it makes the city more pedestrian-oriented.”
