
Johnson Not With Cowboys, but He Still Rides Roughshod

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John Crumpacker in the San Francisco Examiner on Jimmy Johnson, the new coach of the Miami Dolphins:

“Johnson’s system can be summed up thusly: fast guys. Fast guys on defense, at all positions on offense, plus a franchise quarterback and some sumo wrestlers on the line.

“Treat the stars like stars and the rest of the players like a bunch of borrowed mules.”


Trivia time: Who holds the Super Bowl record for the longest run from scrimmage?

Worthless? Steve Bono threw three interceptions and Lin Elliott missed three field goals in Kansas City’s 10-7 AFC playoff loss to the Indianapolis Colts last weekend.


So trading cards of Bono, a former UCLA quarterback, and Elliott were deemed worthless by a shop in Great Bend, Kan., which gave away 200 of them featuring the players.


Paranoia persists: Jim Thomas of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports of an imminent shake-up in the Rams’ scouting department. He wrote that General Manager Steve Ortmayer “strongly and heatedly” denied the shake-up rumor.


“Memo to Ortmayer: You’re not with the Raiders anymore. Relax.”


Learning problem: Tie Domi, the Toronto Maple Leafs’ enforcer, on the hardest he has ever been hit: “My brother Dash hit me in the head with five textbooks in a gym bag.”



Unprecedented: Phil Mushnick in the New York Post: “Sportscaster of the week is Barry Landers. In a taped, halftime chat during the Niagara-St. Peter’s game, Landers did the unthinkable. He asked a player what his major is, and how it’s going in school! Imagine, a question about college to a college basketball player!”


Looking back: On this day in 1967, the Green Bay Packers defeated the Kansas City Chiefs, 35-10, in Super Bowl I at the Coliseum before 61,946.


Trivia answer: Marcus Allen of the Raiders, 74 yards to a touchdown against the Washington Redskins in 1984.



Quotebook: Adam Schefter in the Rocky Mountain News: “How does [New York Jet Coach] Rich Kotite get to keep his job when [Don] Shula can’t?”
