
Winnetka : Self-Defense Claimed in Neighbor’s Slaying

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A Winnetka man charged with fatally shooting the husband of a Neighborhood Watch captain testified Tuesday that he was protecting himself and his father when the incident occurred.

Scott James Craft, 34, said in Van Nuys Superior Court that Keith Brown, 42, was charging toward him and his father, Harvey Craft, carrying a wooden plank after the younger Craft and Brown became involved in a heated exchange on July 23.

“He was yelling something at us. . . . He was outraged,” said Scott Craft, who testified that he was holding his .25-caliber automatic pistol in his right hand at the time.


“I fired high and then I fired low.”

The shooting left local residents stunned. Law enforcement officials said Brown, who suffered gunshot wounds to his face, shoulder and back, was seeking Craft’s address for police after a woman complained that he had shouted profanities at her and her grandson.

Craft said once Brown was shot, his expression changed from outrage to surprise, his shoulders and arms slumped and he fell on his side in the Craft family driveway. Craft said he then put the safety back on his gun and hugged his father.

“I said, ‘I’m sorry, Dad. I couldn’t let him kill you,’ ” Craft testified as he choked back tears. “I love my dad.”
