
Pasadena’s Road-Refined ‘West Side Story’

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Almost everyone knows about “West Side Story,” but fully professional productions of it are rare. This week Pasadena Civic Auditorium hosts one of them, and musical theater fans should take note.

Yes, this is the same touring production that played Orange County in October, to discouraging reviews, then in Palm Desert, San Diego, San Francisco. But the leaders of the Jets, Tony and Riff, are played by different actors than the ones reviewed in Costa Mesa. And perhaps a few more weeks on the road turned the tide.

At the opening on Tuesday, the production was creditable in almost every aspect and downright thrilling at moments.


Scott Carollo, the new Tony, is tall, fresh-faced, likable, with a shimmering voice. His chemistry with Marcy Harriell’s winsome Maria is tangible. Jamie Gustis is a sharp-edged Riff, matched well by Vincent Zamora’s Bernardo. And once again Natascia A. Diaz is a splendid Anita.

Jerome Robbins’ original direction and choreography have been “reproduced” by Alan Johnson, and this young cast does the familiar steps as if they were just created. Despite its period slang, Arthur Laurents’ ‘50s adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet” retains remarkable pertinence and power (and has anyone noticed how the word “cool” is, well, cool once again?). The Leonard Bernstein/Stephen Sondheim score is, for the most part, in capable hands.

A new generation should discover “West Side Story.” As long as your seats aren’t in the boondocks, this is a good place to begin.


* “West Side Story,” Pasadena Civic Auditorium, 300 E. Green St., Today-Saturday, 8 p.m.; Saturday-Sunday, 2 p.m.; Sunday, 7 p.m. $27.50-$50. (213) 480-3232. Running time: 2 hours, 35 minutes.
