
Frields Chairmanship Looks Undemocratic

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Linda Parks consistently stands up for rights of the citizens of Thousand Oaks to have the rules of the General Plan and the laws of the city implemented. Because of her strong support for open space and in enforcing the city’s environmental rules on development, she was passed over for chairman of the Planning Commission.

The person responsible for this coup was Forrest Frields, a commissioner whose goal is to run for City Council in 1996. In the long run Mr. Fields probably did the public a favor. He showed us the type of councilman he would be: ruthless and ambitious, with little regard for the rules of fair play. His actions have shown us that he will climb on the back of others to reach his political goals.

Commissioner Parks and the community she serves deserve better.


Thousand Oaks

* Thirteen years ago, our family of five moved away from Redondo Beach, because, as my husband puts it, “It’s like a rat maze there.” We bought a home where we could keep horses.


During our years here, Thousand Oaks has continued to beckon people from the south with the promise of a rural lifestyle, while development has gone on nonstop by shortsighted people who perceive economic gain at the sight of every open field and at the expense of our children, animals, environment, city budget and quality of life in general.

To lure people with one thing, and then give them another, is deception. And of course it’s become the American political way and it’s going on right here, right now. On our Planning Commission we are being forced to accept Forrest Frields over Linda Parks for the commission chair, even though Parks was in line for the job. The reason given was that the planning commission wants, “someone of like mind” (development). Additionally, a local businessman is consorting with a handpicked few, (including investors) and speculating on the development of our only riding field and our soccer field into “Sports X” (a nebulous sports complex plan that somehow can become whatever the listening public wants to hear).

Do we want it? No! Do they care? No! But do the people own the parks that they pay taxes for? They’re supposed to. And do we still have enough spirit to fight for our rights to them? Yes!



Thousand Oaks

* The domination by the real estate-controlled Thousand Oaks City Council majority of Andy Fox, Judy Lazar and Mike Markey continues. They aren’t satisfied with having a 3-2 majority vote, but insist on silencing the opposition. First they limited comments by the public; now they are trying to limit the comments of council members Elois Zeanah and Jaime Zukowski.

Silencing opposition to overdevelopment has now extended to the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Vice Chair Linda Parks was precluded from becoming chairperson because she did not represent the development majority.

I voted for Jaime Zukowski and if her voice and that of her appointed Planning Commissioner Linda Parks, is squashed, so is mine. This is not democratic. Our voice deserves to be heard.



Thousand Oaks
