
Riordan, Braude Report Strong Fund-Raising Efforts for ’97

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The next municipal election is more than a year away, but at least two of Los Angeles’ early bird candidates are moving ahead with fund raising for their campaigns, finance documents showed this week.

According to campaign finance statements filed with the city Ethics Commission, Mayor Richard Riordan had raised nearly $90,000 by year’s end toward his reelection bid on April 8, 1997.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Feb. 3, 1996 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Saturday February 3, 1996 Home Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Metro Desk 2 inches; 42 words Type of Material: Correction
Riordan fund raising--Based on an incorrect set of documents supplied by a city agency, The Times this week erroneously reported the amount Mayor Richard Riordan has raised for his reelection campaign. The correct figure is $1,179,171, raised by the end of 1995 toward Riordan’s 1997 reelection bid.

All but $11,300 of the $89,808 Riordan reported was raised over the summer and early fall, and he has already spent all but about $5,500 of his contributions to date.


Riordan’s election advisors said last summer that they wanted to launch his campaign early to signal potential challengers that the mayor is committed to mounting a vigorous reelection effort.

Councilman Marvin Braude, who is facing a potentially bruising challenge for his 11th District seat next spring, reported raising $66,979 through two campaign finance committees. He reported having spent $16,042 by Dec. 31.

Neither of Braude’s opponents, Georgia L. Mercer and Cindy Miscikowski, his former chief deputy, were required to file reports this period because they did not begin raising money until this year.
