
Leonor Fini, 87; Artist, Set Designer for Paris Opera

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Leonor Fini, 87, an artist who created paintings, posters and sets for the Paris Opera and costumes for the Comedie Francaise. Born in Buenos Aires of Italian parents, Fini worked primarily in Paris and had several one-woman exhibitions in Paris, Rome, London and New York. In addition to her work for the Parisian stage, she also designed sets and costumes for La Scala opera house in Milan, Italy, a city where she lived as a child. Fini illustrated several books, including the erotic “The Story of O.” Outspoken and independent, she became a part of the surrealist movement along with artists Andre Breton and Max Ernst. She later became known for her images of mysterious, exotic young women often portrayed as witches or fairies. Striking in person as well as in her work, Fini appeared in public in heavy makeup and wearing unusual clothes with wide-brimmed hats and a great deal of jewelry. On Jan. 18 in Paris.
