
SOUR SEAHAWK: Not all local Seattle Seahawk...

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SOUR SEAHAWK: Not all local Seattle Seahawk fans cheered the news that the football fowl may move to the Rose Bowl (A1). . . . Seattle native Jerry Martinez, 46, owns $8,000 worth of Seahawk memorabilia, including a bowling ball and beer tap, and drives his motor home--license plate “CHAWK 5”--to watch the team play six to eight games a year. “They would not be the same team,” the Ventura resident says. “I would rather watch them on TV than have them move to L.A., even though I could see them more often.”

STAYING PUT: Ojai newlyweds Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson can’t seem to get enough of each other. They’re not only starring in “Gulliver’s Travels” (F1), they’d like to do a TV series together. . . . “I think both of us desire to not be away on location and raise four teenagers at the same time,” Danson told a news conference last month. “I think we also like the idea of working together very much.”

WAR HEADS: To honor former President Ronald Reagan’s 85th birthday on Tuesday, his presidential library in Simi Valley has revamped its anecdote collection (B1). In 1985, former Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev told Reagan: “You will never win in an all-out arms race with us because we will outspend you.” . . . Two years later, the two sat side by side to ink a nuclear-forces treaty. Quoth the Great Communicator, “Nations don’t distrust each other because they’re armed, they’re armed because they distrust each other.”


HOW COLD IS IT?: It’s so cold in the Midwest that schools have been closed so kids won’t get frostbite at bus stops (A1). . . . That’s a far cry from Ventura County. Meteorologist Terry Schaeffer said the coldest temperature he’s heard of in the agricultural part of the county was 10 degrees in 1913. “It froze the trees solid,” he said. Typically, he said, it gets down to freezing in the orchards 30 times a year, but it takes sustained cold to inflict damage.
