
COUNTERPUNCH LETTERS : Myths Simply Distort the Record on Terrorism

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Jack Saltzberg’s letter, “Movies and Stereotypes,” in the Jan. 29 Calendar carried erroneous information regarding international terrorism. As a former Israeli operative, Saltzberg believes that Muslims and Arabs should be classified as the major terrorist threat, but the record according to the U.S. Department of State proves otherwise.

In its annual report on global terrorism, the Office of Counterterrorism indicated that Latin America and Europe accounted for the greatest number of international terrorist incidents. In terms of anti-U.S. attacks, Latin America was responsible for 44 attacks in 1994, while the Middle East was responsible for eight in that same year.

Approximately the same figures were provided for 1993. Ambassador Phil Wilcox, the coordinator for counterterrorism at the State Department, has stated that the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia and the Shining Path in Peru are the most notorious terrorist groups in Latin America.


Finally, between 1988 and 1994, the Middle East accounted for only around 15% of all international terrorist incidents. The major point, the same as Laila Lalami wrote so eloquently (“ ‘Bride’ Walks Down Aisle of Stereotyping,” Calendar, Jan. 1), is that the perception that Saltzberg holds is the predominant one among the public and it is also a myth that is promoted by Hollywood image-makers like him.



Muslim Public Affairs Council

Los Angeles
