
City Moves Toward Redevelopment Plan

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Camarillo officials have taken another step toward forming a redevelopment district that would generate money for public improvement projects along the Ventura Freeway corridor.

The City Council agreed last week to form an advisory committee of property owners and merchants to study issues and make recommendations to the Community Development Commission, as the council will be known for redevelopment purposes.

Council members may submit four names apiece by today to city staff members before appointments to the advisory panel are made Feb. 28.


City officials are planning to form a redevelopment district to help generate money for improving sections of Ventura Boulevard, where merchants have complained for years that renovations are needed to attract more customers.

California law allows cities to form redevelopment districts that can benefit from extra property tax revenue. Before forming the district, the city determines a base year on property taxes. If businesses and residences in the district bring in more revenue, the extra money is steered toward a special fund that can be borrowed against to pay for public improvements within the district.
