
GOP Debate in New Hampshire

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* After watching the Republican primary debate in New Hampshire Feb. 15, I offer these observations:

Alan Keyes should enter the priesthood; Lamar Alexander can’t stop walking--even when he is in front of a microphone; the tire manufacturer is definitely an outsider--possibly from Mars; Pat Buchanan has spent too much time on “Crossfire”; Steve Forbes is flat--like his tax; Dick Lugar is sincere and acted like a President Clinton plant; Bob Dole should talk less about WWII and more about the future; Bob Dornan confuses charisma with a big mouth.

A few more debates like this and President Clinton will win by default (I hope).



* One would feel that after his terrible performance in the Iowa vote, Dornan would peacefully fade from the scene. But there he was on the TV screen, giving battle in the New Hampshire Republican primary debate. Dornan may not engage in negative campaigning, but he comes as close as possible with his zero percent Iowa result.



Laguna Niguel
