
Pesticide Study Lacked Credibility

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We were dismayed to see The Times chose to give front-page billing to the “study of the month” by the Environmental Working Group (“Study Warns of Pesticide Risk to O.C. Schoolkids,” Feb. 8). The University of California’s leading toxicologist and director of the university’s FoodSafe program has previously called the Environmental Working Group “a Machiavellian advocacy organization opposed to pesticides whose reports lack objectivity and scientific credibility.” In fact, the so-called EWG study was simply a public relations piece orchestrated to tie in to legislation in Sacramento.

Nevertheless, our organization, which represents over 100,000 growers and ranchers in California, wants Orange County residents to know that farmers are very serious about adhering to our laws and running their farming operations in a manner which assures the safety of the public--especially of children.

The laws governing pesticide use by agriculture in California are the most stringent in the world. California farmers strongly believe that the health of the public and scientific evidence should prevail in decisions about the use of pesticides. However, political agendas of environmental organizations, which are not grounded in scientific evidence, are a poor basis for creating huge economic and job loss to the state as well as disruption to food production in California.



Executive director

Alliance for Food and Fiber

Los Angeles
