
Westside : Memorial Held at UCLA for Israel Bombing Victims

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About 100 mourners gathered Wednesday at UCLA for a memorial to those who died in bombings in Jerusalem last weekend.

The group recited prayers for the dead, and one woman shared an e-mail message she received from a friend in Israel who knew two of the victims who died in the attacks. Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Seller, director of Hillel Jewish Student Center at UCLA, and Ahmed El-Gabalawy, director of religious affairs for the Islamic Center of Southern California, addressed the crowd.

The lunch-hour memorial was organized by UCLA’s Jewish Student Union, but student members also felt that it was important to include the Islamic community, one student said.


“We need to make sure people understand that you can’t generalize about people--the terrorists can’t be lumped in with all Muslims and all Muslims can’t be lumped in with the terrorists,” said Yiftach Levy, a member of the Jewish Student Union who helped organize the memorial.
