
Ferraro Given Top Tribute by 3 Groups Over Weekend

Los Angeles Councilman John Ferraro was honored over the weekend by three different organizations--including one in New York--that awarded him their highest tributes.

On Friday night, the Los Angeles Marathon named the three-decade councilman Citizen of the Year.

On Saturday, Ferraro, 71, received USC’s highest alumni honor, the Asa V. Call Achievement Award. Among the past recipients are astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon; musician and philanthropist Herb Alpert and documentary filmmaker David Wolper.


Ferraro flew to New York in time to receive the National Council of Young Israel Community Service Award on Sunday. Chaim S. Kaminetzky hailed him as a “loyal and trusted friend of the Jewish community who has compiled an outstanding record of more than 30 years of public service.”
