
Central Los Angeles : New Home Sought for Korean Museum

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Assemblyman Louis Caldera (D-Los Angeles) says he will introduce legislation to help fund a permanent site for the Korean American Museum in the Koreatown/Wilshire Center area. The museum is operating out of a rented space in an office building in the neighborhood.

“We’ve grown so much,” said Myung Lee, executive director of the museum, which was founded in 1991.

“A permanent museum is important in revitalizing this area,” Lee said, adding that in recent years the communities between downtown Los Angeles and the Westside have become “a vacuum” in need of an economic and social renaissance.


Caldera’s bill would appropriate $2 million for the museum, according to his office.

Lee is trying to raise about $10 million to buy property and pay for the costs to run the museum for the next couple of years.

The bill is expected to be heard in early April, according to Caldera’s office.
