
Meeting to Examine Violence in the Media

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A town hall meeting Wednesday in Tarzana will focus on ways to counter the impact of violence in television, songs and other media, including the Internet.

Speakers at the meeting, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Judea, “will show ways of working with children so that when he or she does watch something, it isn’t done passively--they use critical thinking,” said Wendy Linick, co-chairwoman of the temple’s Issues in Education committee.

Featured speaker Elizabeth Thoman, executive director of the Los Angeles-based Center for Media Literacy, will present parts of the organization’s multimedia education program, “Beyond Blame: Challenging Violence in the Media.” The program is designed to help children and adults evaluate how media violence affects them and society.


In addition, the results of the National Television Violence Study will be presented by Joel Federman, director of research at Mediascope, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit media research group that coordinated the study with media scholars from four major universities.

Linick said she hopes that those who attend the forum realize that they have some control over violence in the media, and can do something to challenge its impact.

“It gives people clear-cut ideas they can start using,” Linick said. “Parents can get ideas for themselves for their own homes.”


The temple is at 5429 Lindley Ave. in Tarzana. The meeting is free and open to the public.
