
Roadside Beatings Shame 2 Nations

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* We, the Mexican American Political Forum of Ventura County, condemn the savage violation of human rights of those two unfortunate Mexican Nationals by the Riverside County sheriff’s deputies.

This type of savage behavior is the result of racist political campaigns by those individuals who have used the illegal immigration issue to get elected and to feed their racist constituents’ backward inhumane instincts.

Also, I believe Mexico is to blame for this unfortunate atrocity, because the government failed its people by not providing the necessities to live without tremendous poverty and oppression. Please ask yourselves: What crime have these two people committed by coming here, in an act of survival to seek a better lifestyle?


Welfare is another matter. Welfare is no bargain. It is destructive, and it kills the incentive that motivates the human elements to excel.

So, we say to politicians, stop using the undocumented immigrants as scapegoats.


President, MAPF

