
GENDER ROLES: For Secretaries Day today, about...

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GENDER ROLES: For Secretaries Day today, about 40 people--20 bosses and their assistants--will attend the Chatsworth Chamber of Commerce’s annual luncheon. But so much for gender equality: All of the secretaries are women. . . . “It’s still traditional,” chamber Executive Director Alison Hakeem says. One semi-heartening figure, though: Of the bosses, five are women.

SCIENCE SCION: So how did Scott Schneider, above, spend his spring break? Not gallivanting around like other teenagers. The Van Nuys High senior, son of two MIT grads, used his vacation to help develop Internet software to be sold by AT & T. . . . It’s not surprising stuff for a brainy young man named one of the top 20 physics students in the country, who has the nation’s elite universities--including MIT--knocking at his door (B1).

KIDS CARE: A federal study out today shows that the number of children in organized day-care facilities has reached an all-time high (A5). The study cites increased family income and anxiety over safety as factors. . . . Carol Sneyd once used informal child care, but now takes 2 1/2-year-old Evan each day to the Warner Bros. Children Center in Burbank. “There are so many more pairs of eyes. If something bad was happening, I think I’d find out,” she says.
