
Volunteers to Give School a Make-Over

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San Fernando High School in Pacoima will get a massive make-over this weekend as part of a volunteer effort sponsored by the International Community Service Day Foundation.

Community members and others are being sought to help construct a new outdoor stage at the school, replace aging bleachers in the stadium, build a new snack bar, paint, landscape and perform other improvement projects, said Frank Hernandez, ICSDF media coordinator.

Organizers are also seeking donations of materials.

“What we really need is wood planks to replace the bleachers,” Hernandez said. “We’ll also need concrete mix to finish the snack bar area and stage, and most importantly, we need for people to come out and help. It’s all about people power and community power,” Hernandez said.


Donations of food, lumber, plumbing fixtures, paint, piping, office supplies, trees, flowers, sprinklers, soil and fertilizer, water, drinks and art supplies are also in demand.

San Fernando High School, located at 11133 O’Melveny Ave. in Pacoima, is currently observing its 100th anniversary.

Entertainment will include music, clowns, balloons and raffles, Hernandez said. The project will begin about 7:30 a.m. Saturday and continue through Sunday.

For information, call (818) 556-2327.
