
Recording of Suspect’s Confession to Priest

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* As a Catholic, I too find Oregon’s tape recording of the confession of a murder suspect to be repugnant and, hopefully, inadmissible as evidence. But one forgets if I have ever agreed with William F. Buckley Jr. before (Commentary, May 15).

Yet, I do find it amusing that he, of all people, is disturbed by “naked fascism.” That he is “reassured” by the ACLU. That he advocates civil disobedience. Hmmm. I suppose that even Buckley can dress as a liberal if suitably offended.


Los Angeles

* Could it be! Is it really true! Has the Earth fallen off its axis! After all these years we liberals are actually agreeing with Buckley! Buckley is totally correct in denouncing the district attorney of Eugene, Ore., Doug Harcleroad, for secretly recording the confession of a murder suspect to his priest. This is a shock to the very foundation of American liberty. The separation of church and state and the relationship between priest and confessor should never be impeached. Buckley is right in calling it “naked fascism.” And it must be challenged with every fiber of our American spirit.


Conservatives and liberals alike must now join forces with the American Civil Liberties Union to fight this most grievous crime. It is a time for people of every faith and political persuasion to come together and stop this injustice before it turns into a national calamity.

The citizens of Oregon can do their part by demanding that Harcleroad be disbarred and removed from office. Harcleroad, the police, the attorney general and everyone else who participated in this evil deed should be held accountable for their actions. They have brought shame to the good state of Oregon.


Los Angeles
