
Summary of Bills Passed in Assembly, Senate

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<i> From Associated Press</i>

Here are summaries of some of the hundreds of bill passed by the Assembly or by the Senate on Thursday and Friday. Bills must be passed by both houses to become law.

THE ASSEMBLY: Bills Approved

* Swimming pools--Would require swimming pools built after Jan. 1, 1998, to have a fence, cover or other safety device; AB 3305; Brian Setencich (R-Fresno); 49-8; to Senate.

* Curfew--Would allow courts to cite parents for failing to supervise their children for a third curfew violation; AB 3261; Dick Ackerman (R-Fullerton); 43-13; to Senate.


* Rides--Would make riders of amusement park rides more responsible for their own safety and require them to follow posted rules; AB 2482; Curt Pringle (R-Garden Grove); 53-8; to Senate.

* Credit cards--Would allow stores to ask customers to provide personal information during credit card transactions; AB 2533; Gary G. Miller (R-West Covina); 42-33; to Senate.

* Diseases--Would require mandatory testing of prison inmates for HIV, hepatitis B and C and tuberculosis; AB 3288; by Miller; 42-31; to Senate.


* Drugs--Would equalize prison terms for crimes involving cocaine, cocaine base, heroin and methamphetamine; AB 2079; Kevin Murray (D-Los Angeles); 63-2; to Senate.

* AIDS--Would make it a felony for someone knowingly infected with the AIDS virus to have sex or share a needle; AB 2147; Richard K. Rainey (R-Walnut Creek); 43-23; to Senate.

* Tobacco--Would increase penalties for anyone selling tobacco product to minors, make it illegal for minors to possess tobacco products, impose a fine, driver’s license suspension or delay and community service, and prohibit minors in jail from getting cigarettes; AB 2188; Brett Granlund (R-Yucaipa); 41-27; to Senate.


* Police dogs--Would make it a felony to kill a police dog or horse; AB 2350; Jim Morrissey (R-Santa Ana); 49-14; to Senate.

* Parents--Would allow courts to cite parents for failing to supervise their children after a third curfew violation; AB 3261; by Ackerman, 43-13; to Senate.

* Juvenile felons--Would make the presumption that a 14-year-old charged with a felony is not fit to be tried in juvenile court; AB 2527; by Miller; 42-30; to Senate.

* Minors’ trials--Would add voluntary manslaughter and first-degree burglary to the list of offenses for which minors can be tried as adults; AB 2595; Paula L. Boland (R-Granada Hills); 41-27; to Senate.

* Criminal records--Would prohibit the sealing of records of a juvenile found guilty of a serious crime, require the court to notify law enforcement of the conviction and allow police to release the names of juveniles charged with serious crimes; AB 3224; Charles S. Poochigian (R-Fresno); 41-33; to Senate.

* School construction--Would tighten restrictions on fees that can be charged on new property development for school construction; AB 3174; by Brulte; 48-12; to Senate.


* School bonds--Would require a school district to attempt to pass a local bond before levying developer fees for school construction; AB 3175; by Brulte; 42-27; to Senate.

* Street racing--Would permit a police officer to arrest a person involved in a speed contest and seize the vehicle; AB 2288; Fred Aguiar (R-Chino); 57-1; to Senate.

* Security bars--Would require owners of residences with security window bars on bedroom windows to install release latches by July 1, 1998; AB 3026; Tom Bates (D-Berkeley); 45-25; to Senate.

* Sex education--Would require parental permission for children to take sex education and AIDS classes; AB 2248; Steve Baldwin (R-El Cajon); 43-31; to Senate.

THE SENATE: Bills Approved

* Bond measure--Would put a school construction bond measure on the November ballot; SB 1613; Jack O’Connell (D-Santa Barbara); 28-7; to Assembly.

* Gambling--Would appropriate $3 million to create a new Division of Gambling Control in the Department of Justice; would upgrade division to independent Nevada-style independent state Gambling Control Commission if casino gambling is introduced in state; SB 1887; Bill Lockyer (D-Hayward); 32-0; to Assembly.


* Class sizes--Would give an extra $500 annually to schools that lower class sizes in first three grades to 20 or fewer pupils per teacher; SB 1414; Leroy Greene (D-Carmichael); 24-9; to Assembly.

* Parks--Would place bond issue of unspecified amount for state and local parks on November statewide ballot; SB 1847; Mike Thompson (D-St. Helena); 27-4; to Assembly.

* Sports agents--Would require agents for professional athletes to file disclosure statements with the secretary of state and give secondary schools and colleges legal standing to file civil actions against athlete agents for actions adversely affecting those schools; SB 1401; Ruben S. Ayala (D-Chino); 26-2; to Assembly.

* Utilities--Would require the Public Utilities Commission to accept claims made against public utilities for property damages that result from the negligence of the utility in restoring service after disasters; SB 2017; Quentin Kopp (I-San Francisco); 25-10; to Assembly.

* HMOs--Would prohibit health care plan from inserting “nondisparagement clauses” in their contracts with doctors to restrict the advice they can give patients; SB 1847; Newton R. Russell (R-Glendale); 24-4; to Assembly.

* Insurance--Would prohibit insurance companies for refusing to renew a homeowner policy because of the condition of the property unless the policyholder is given an opportunity to correct the deficiency; SB 2101; Milton Marks (D-San Francisco); 21-15; to Assembly.
