
First Class: Stamp collectors will be flocking...

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First Class: Stamp collectors will be flocking to Burbank June 24 when the U.S. Postal Service issues its new James Dean stamp at Warner Bros. Studios. Dean made the three films that made him a legend at Warners. . . . The stamp goes on sale nationwide the day after, but will first be available only at the Burbank Post Office and at Warner Bros.

High Jumper: Chaminade student Liz Giltner cleared the 5-foot, 10-inch mark in her first attempt Saturday at the state track and field championships, and it was enough for a win in the high jump competition (C11). She thus became the first state title holder in track and field to come from the prep school.

Car Contest: Students, start your engines. At CSUN, a group of budding engineers have entered the Future Car Challenge, sponsored in part by the Big Three auto makers. The students’ mission is to design a car that not only has three times the gas mileage of current models, but is also acceptable to consumers. They are modifying a donated Chevrolet to run on a motorcycle engine and electric motor. Valley briefing, B2.


Local Kids Rally: The main action may have been in Washington and in major city centers, such as downtown Los Angeles, but kids were also rallying in the Valley on Sunday (B1). In Sylmar, about 250 people--half of them children--gathered at the Sylmar Square shopping center to urge the federal and local governments to increase support for programs that help kids. The local celebration included speeches by school-age kids and performances by a Pacoima gospel choir.
