
County Must Retain Literacy Program

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* Often we are not aware when a person or program of outstanding caliber is right in our own backyard, while others from a more distant vantage point can see clearly the extent of the treasure in our midst.

I am writing to tell you, as one from that distant vantage point, that you have in Ventura County one of the most effective, far-reaching, cost-efficient adult literacy programs in the state of California. I do not offer this enviable description lightly. This program is slated to be eliminated from the county’s budget as of July 1. I want to be sure your readers understand two key points, and hope they are abundantly clear to the county Board of Supervisors.

First, the cost to the community of not having a free, easily accessible, results-oriented adult literacy program far outweighs the savings from eliminating such a program. This is not a “hand-out” program but a wheel on the road to creating better workers, better parents, better community members.


Seeing the actual expense to Ventura County’s general fund to coordinate a countywide adult literacy program is a simple fraction of the true, overall cost. Your general fund dollars leverage the remaining costs in the form of in-kind donations from adult schools, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department, state and federal grants, not to mention thousands of hours of volunteer tutor time. In other words, you are getting way more than you pay for. A pile of spokes is all you will have left if you take away the hub.



Chula Vista Literacy Team Center

Chula Vista
