
City Councilwoman Alienates City Staff

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It’s really difficult for someone to remain civil when it comes to the actions of Thousand Oaks City Councilwoman Elois Zeanah and her campaign of negativity, deception and hostility toward the Thousand Oaks City Council majority and city staff.

Good, honest, professional people are being hurt, and taxpayer dollars are being needlessly spent to prove that the city staff is honest and forthright in their accounting practices (“Mayor Asks for Outside Audits of Civic Arts Plaza and Sewage Rate Hikes,” June 6). With all due respect to Mayor Andy Fox, no matter how much money is spent on vindicating city staff of Zeanah’s allegations, she will never be happy with the outcome.

Nothing will stop this councilwoman from painting everyone who opposes her as vile, corrupt lawbreakers, and she will not stop until she has alienated the entire community from people who take genuine pride in serving them.



Thousand Oaks
