
Exporting Firms Expect Fast Growth: Chief executives...

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Exporting Firms Expect Fast Growth: Chief executives of fast-growing firms expect faster revenue growth this year than do executives of companies that sell only domestically, according to a Coopers & Lybrand study. “Firms that move to expand overseas will be the first to reap fresh rewards,” said Mark Levine, director of the firm’s New York-based customs and duties practice. Of the 434 chief executives surveyed, the 204 whose companies export goods and services expect a composite growth rate of 31.2% in 1996, compared with 24.9% for the 230 companies that sell only in the United States, the firm said. The portion of those companies selling overseas has increased from 43% to 47% since 1992, and 6% of the CEOs interviewed plan to enter international markets within the year.
