
The New Career Map

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Today’s college graduates face a radically different working life than their parents and grandparents. Instead of focusing on corporate loyalty and years served, the priority of the class of 1996 is to gain skills --and they’ll go anywhere to get them.

START HERE: Take an internship, temporary job or community service position for reduced (or no) pay to build experience.

SCALE BACK EXPECTATIONS: THat first full-time job is likely to be a non-prestigious firm and entail long hours and low pay. The pay-off: more skills.


TIME OUT: After two or three jobs in the first five years, many will opt for a stint in graduate or professional school.

HIT A GROOVE: After figuring out long-term career goals, most will settle into more substantial, longer-term jobs but will make a switch every decade or so.

DETOUR: Today’s graduates are more likely to work for small businesses, become self-employed or work from home.


FINISH LINE: Retirement will be later in life and could include part-time work on a consultant or free-lance basis.
