
City Council Approves Services for Seniors

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The City Council has approved two agreements that will provide food and transportation for senior residents at a cost of about $26,000.

The first contract, with Orange County Transportation Authority, was approved unanimously and will continue a lunchtime ride program for seniors for about $16,000 in city funds.

Brea has been contracting for the bus service, which covers transportation to and from the Brea Senior Center’s daily noon lunch program, since 1993.


Last year, the city’s cost was $12,000. The $4,000 increase this year is because of rising transportation costs and a reduction in federal grants, officials said.

The council also approved a contract with the nonprofit Feedback Foundation to provide meals at the senior center and deliver food to homebound seniors.

The city’s cost will be about $10,300 for that program, which will cover more than 27,000 meals for seniors over the next year.


The contract also provides delivered meals for about 30 homebound seniors, but the cost for that part of the program is covered by funds from federal and state agencies.
