
More Teachers Part of $61.2-Million Budget

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Given a boost by an estimated $1 million in additional state revenues, Oxnard school board members adopted a $61.2-million budget Wednesday that includes money for new high school teachers and more student supplies.

Although the Oxnard Union High School District’s 1996-97 spending plan may still undergo revisions based on changes in the state budget, Richard Canady called the figures encouraging.

“Very definitely, it’s healthier than last year,” said Canady, assistant superintendent for business services.


He said the increase in revenues will allow the district to hire 12 teachers and spend $6 to $7 more per student on supplies, including materials for art and physical education.

Canady said teachers could also receive raises of about 4% and that the district plans to tighten school security measures.

Although school board members generally supported the plan, Nancy Koch objected to the increase in the board’s travel budget from about $11,000 to nearly $30,000.


“I think $11,000 is absolutely sufficient,” Koch said before the meeting.

The board spent about $17,000 more last year than in previous years, mainly on travel to Sacramento to discuss plans to extend the district’s school year with state officials. The Assembly has passed the proposal to extend the school year by 15 days; the issue is pending in the Senate.

Koch said the heavy travel to Sacramento was an expense that will probably not be repeated and does not justify increasing the board’s travel budget.

But others said the increase represented only a small part of the overall budget and that the amount should remain in the spending plan if the need to travel arises.
