
Letter from the Chief

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The Sherri Rene Dally kidnapping/homicide began on May 6, 1996 in the parking lot of a major department store in the city of Ventura. The case has drawn a considerable amount of notoriety and public attention, due to the egregious nature of the crime. Many people in the community, and others as far away as the rest of the state, have been drawn into the daily drama of the tragedy. This has generated a degree of anxiety as to the ultimate outcome of the investigation, with a focus on the actions being taken by the Ventura Police Department.

The investigators assigned to the case have worked many hours over the past two months, putting together information for the ultimate prosecution of those responsible for the crime. The process involves the processing of evidence and addressing of many details surrounding the case, and is not being rushed to conclusion. In a case of this complexity there are many details to address, and it is our intention to ensure that the investigation is as complete as possible when it is presented to the district attorney’s office for prosecution.

We have been working hand in hand with other agencies during the investigation, and received unbridled support along the way. The district attorney’s office has shared in the investigative portion of the criminal case, and continues to work closely with the Police Department toward the proper conclusion.


While we are not in a position to discuss the details of the case, I want to assure the citizens of the community, the family of Sherri Dally and those responsible for her death, that justice will ultimately be served. When that time comes, the community will understand what has taken place and be proud of the men and women who have worked so hard to ensure that this heinous act is put to rest.


Chief of Police

