
Builder Seeks Zoning Change for Project

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A British-based developer has filed a formal request with the county for a zoning change that would allow it to build housing on 195 acres of farmland in Somis.

Knightsbridge Holdings is seeking to build 189 houses on the tract, formerly a citrus grove. The proposal has stirred protests from neighbors who believe the project threatens their semirural lifestyle and violates the spirit of the county’s development policies.

Knightsbridge officials argue that those guidelines discourage urban development on farmland, but place no restriction on “rural” development. Rural zoning allows for one residence per acre, which is what the developer is proposing.


Knightsbridge officials said their project would simply be an extension of an existing community of 140 homes.

However, on July 9 the Board of Supervisors will consider a proposal by a countywide task force to revise its zoning policies. One of the proposals would change the rural designation to allow one home on every two acres.

But even if the changes are adopted, officials said it is not likely they would have any effect on the Knightsbridge proposal, because the developer was given permission by a majority of the board last year to file for a zoning change.
