
Public Benefits for Illegal Immigrants

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Re “Immigrants Assail Plan to Tighten Sponsorship Rules,” June 25: I am one of those immigrants sponsored by a family member. The sponsoring was to ensure that I would not become a public charge. And for your information--because we took this sponsorship seriously--I worked and never did become a public charge .J.J. and never planned to become a public charge. Further, if the INS took this sponsorship seriously, the present problem would not have occurred.

If sponsors were held responsible, the welfare problem would be greatly decreased. And my question is, why is this not being handled correctly? If I wish to bring in a family member, I would sponsor that person, stating that I was responsible--not the welfare department. And I expect this to be the norm, not the exception.


Rancho Palos Verdes

* Re Column Left, June 25: Like Robert Scheer, I am a liberal. But I am also deeply opposed to extending benefits and jobs to illegal immigrants, including free public education.


Scheer must realize that the biggest victims of illegal immigration are poor Americans of every ethnic group--poor whites, blacks and Hispanics. As long as illegal aliens are rewarded with jobs and free public benefits, they will keep coming and poor Americans will slide further into economic misery. Scarce jobs and government resources must be reserved for American citizens and those legally in the country!


