
Navy’s Stormy Harassment Case

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* The Navy just doesn’t get it. With “Tailhook,” academy cheating and other blunders, the beat goes on. Finally, the Pentagon thought it a good idea to use part of its sizable budget to conduct a sexual harassment survey (“Pentagon Survey Finds Wide Sex Harassment,” July 3). Well, duh!

At the Point Mugu Navy base, a sailor is jailed for raising her hand to an investigator who is looking into her allegations of harassment. Other Navy women at the base received some form of administrative discipline after charging superiors with sexual harassment. To date, no officer or enlisted man has been charged and a new base commander has been installed--the timing of which is just a little suspect.

It’s not much of a leap to conclude that in the Navy, it’s a man’s world. More to the point, for women, “it’s not just a job, it’s an ordeal.”




* Your article July 3, “Navy Accuser in Harassment Case Is Jailed,” indicated sailor Debbie Clark got a bum deal. For being guilty of assault, she should have gotten at least six months in the brig and a bad conduct discharge.

I noticed sailor Clark was only an E2. After serving four years, she should have been at least E4. Also, sailor Clark isn’t wearing a Good Conduct Ribbon. It seems sailor Clark has been in trouble before. I think the Navy is better off without the services of sailor Clark.


Simi Valley
