
Actor Harry Morgan Accused of Beating Wife

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Actor Harry Morgan, best known for his role as Col. Sherman Potter in the television series “MASH,” was charged Wednesday with beating his wife, officials said.

Deputy City Atty. Mitchell Fox said the misdemeanor spousal battery charge arose from an incident at the couple’s home in Brentwood earlier this month when Barbara Morgan, 70, called police to say her husband of nearly 10 years was attacking her.

Fox said officers responding to the call shortly after midnight on July 2 heard a woman yelling before they were let into the house by the 81-year-old actor. Barbara Morgan reportedly had a swollen foot, a quarter-inch cut near her eye and a bruised arm. She was treated by paramedics at the scene and later taken to a hospital for further treatment, Fox said.


The officers said Barbara Morgan told them that an argument that started during a dinner party continued when they returned home and then turned violent.
