
Drownings and Ignorance

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How many more drownings and near drownings must we read in our newspapers before adults wise up as to how easy it is for a child to become a victim in the water? It saddens me to have read over the past three weeks about the three children in Orange County who in separate incidents became fatalities in the water.

What was especially disturbing in the July 3 story of the near-drowning of the 2-year-old in Irvine was that the 19-year-old “nanny” who was responsible for those children left in her care did not know how to swim and was unable to adequately perform CPR!

Fortunately, 9-year-old Melissa Bianco was able to perform CPR and save the life of the toddler. Wake up, parents! If you’re not “there” for your children, make certain that those left to care for them have adequate knowledge regarding emergency procedures. Your children are worth it.



Aliso Viejo
