
Council to Discuss Another Utility Tax

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The Agoura Hills City Council, still smarting after voters repealed its utility users tax last month, is scheduled to discuss the possibility of putting another utility tax on the November ballot at its meeting Wednesday.

After wrestling recently with a proposed 1996-97 budget that showed a 20% revenue decrease when the tax was repealed, the council reluctantly agreed to discuss putting a new tax on the ballot. Discussion of a possible increase to its hotel occupancy tax is also on the agenda.

Councilman Denis Weber, calling himself a lone ranger, introduced the issue of another utility tax at the July 9 budget workshop. Although there has been some community support for it, council members were gunshy about discussing a new tax so soon after the demise of the last.


Council members agreed that because the only way they can discuss the issue is in open session, they would have to do it soon. To get the measure on the November ballot, public hearings and a final vote would have to be held by Aug. 9.

The tax, which generated an average of $1.2 million per year for the city, was defeated 53.1% to 46.9% in a special election June 25.

The council also is expected to adopt the final 1996-97 budget at Wednesday’s meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 30101 Agoura Court, Suite 102.
