
Turkey’s Islamic Government

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Your editorial “A Pro-Islamic Regime in Turkey” (July 14) hits the nail on the head. Turkey has proven time and again in the past half-century that it is a trustworthy ally of the West and a reliable friend in the troubled Middle East, the powder keg otherwise known as the Balkans and equally explosive Transcaucasia.

Surrounded by religious zealots of Iran, the warlord Saddam Hussein of Iraq and ruthless dictator Hafez Assad of Syria, Turkey admirably managed to cultivate its democratic traditions and build its economy on free-market values. The secular system erected by Ataturk in 1923 has deep and strong roots not to be shaken, let alone toppled, by any extremists, far right or far left.

What we are seeing in Turkey today is a reaction by the people. Reaction to constant allegations of corruption, blocked investigations, conflicts of interest and other such political shenanigans that surround the leadership of major parties. Close followers of Turkish politics will agree that the real power base of “fundamentalists” in Turkey is about 7%. The remainder, 14%, is reactionary “votes on loan.” Reactionary votes may even go higher for a while boosted by the populist policies of the new government but when the bill comes due and the economy is hurt by all this un- funded spending, these reactionary votes will leave Islamic politics.



American Turkish Assn.

Los Angeles

* Your editorial, otherwise judicious, is shortsighted in a couple of phrases. I question the assertion that Turkey is a reliable ally; and for you to say that “Washington . . . should treat Turkey as the ally it has proved itself to be,” and that it is the “bulwark of the eastern Mediterranean” is to have forgotten that Turkey did not fight on our side in two world wars.

As for its “support” during the Gulf War, Turkey received 10 times more in “helping” us than it gave. With Saddam Hussein as the enemy, it is not hard to give token help to the other side.


San Diego
