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Daoud Kuttab’s article, “The Last Palestinian Option” (Commentary, July 21), claims a lack of democracy in Israel and criticizes Benjamin Netanyahu’s “demagogy” and “Israeli violations of the Oslo accords.”

Questions to ask of Kuttab:

* In Palestinian “democracy,” in Arab “democracy,” how many Jews are represented in their national congresses, parliaments, etc. There are Arab representatives in Israel’s Knesset.

* Why were more Israelis murdered by Palestinians after Yasser Arafat came into control than before?


* How often has Kuttab denounced the above events to his Arab constituency and the international press corp?

* What efforts have been made by Palestinians to locate and try the perpetrators of above murders?

* Finally, Kuttab speaks from Jerusalem freely and without repercussion or retribution. What Arab nation permits any opposition to speak their thoughts, let alone print them?


When one answers these questions, it becomes clear where democracy truly lies.


Upland Hills
